Saturday, January 2, 2010

Our lives have been taken over by...

When you get something really awesome for Christmas, you are going to want to use it as much as you possibly can, right? I thought so, that's just basic human nature. So, this year for Christmas, our present that was either something we had been talking about buying for months, or worth more than $300, was none other than a 120 GB Playstation 3. Needless to say, Sam, Eric and I were thrilled to have something that was the topic of countless dinner discussions sitting right in front of us. So, now a day cannot possibly be complete with at least four hours of Burnout Paradise, Grand Taurismo 5 or both. I can honestly say since Christmas day that we have kept good to that regimen. Up to today, we have unlocked eight cars in Burnout, moved up to class A in Grand Taurismo, played about ten songs (that's it) in Rock Band 2, and less than that in Beatles Rock band. Also one vomiting incident as a result of a Burnout overdose. We did the same thing when we received a Wii about 2 years ago, so this has become a bit of a holiday routine. This has gotten to our heads enough that when asked what we received for Christmas; our three favorite gifts, the response will be in similar context to this:

"Okay, number one was obviously the PS3, number two was probably Rock Band 2 and number three.... what else did I get? I forget.

Or if you're me, you'll respond:
"One was probably my four pairs of drumsticks, two was my granite block for my drumset, and three was... oh yeah, the PS3.

Which is completely out of sarcasm, I'm thrilled to have the PS3 as well. But I just wish to point out that with this lump of black plastic casting a spell on our lives, long forgotten are the presents that someone spent their money on for us. That's gratitude for you. Oh well, this will die down in two weeks, tops. I am certain.

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