Wednesday, February 10, 2010

I Don't Know What To Write About...

I don't know what to write about. I honestly don't. I know what you're thinking, if I'm going to blog about something, I should at least have a small idea as to what it's going to be about. But, I've got nothing. Nothing to say, nothing to comment about, nothing to critique, nothing. Nothing funny to mention, nothing amazing happening. No groudbreaking ideas flying around my head, nothing that could change the world for the better. No story ideas, no poem ideas, nothing. Nothing, nothing, nothing. What the...? Did I just spend the last little while stating how I have no idea what to write about? Here's an idea. Let's now spend the next little while stating what I can write about. No, no, bad idea. I'm just going to end up right back where I started. Rambling on what I can do. Probably not going to get me very far. So, let's actually think of something. That makes sense, let's do it. Thinking...........Thinking.......................Thinking............................Thinking.............................................
....................................................Thinking. I got nothing. Why don't we just stop before we go completely insane here? Wow, two great ideas in one night, we're on a roll.

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