Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Bracket Fever

Are you the kind of person that drools over the thrill of predicting the path of people seeking the ultimate title? Do you spend day and night analyzing statistics in search of the group with the best possible chance of success? Are you willing to take the risk of placing all your hopes on just one team? Well, if you set yes to all three of these questions, and yes, I mean all three of them of you plan to get any sort of success or enjoyment out of this. Anyway, you would be the perfect candidate for an NCAA March Madness bracket.

Only once every year do we get such an opportunity to participate in such an activity where the chance of success is as low as the New Jersey Nets win total. Only once do we feel true disappointment as our national champion is gone in the 2nd round, our cinderella team is blown out in their first game and three of the four teams in our Final Four are gone by the Elite Eight. Yes, it is true you will face the sting of defeat, but it will be worth it when you see your final total. When you see that you achieved a standout 23% correct choices score. Trust me, when you see your colleague got 15%, you'll be happy. Tell you what, sign up today, within the next twenty minutes since you know we can't do this all day. You'll get a second bracket, absolutely free, so you can double your chances of success, sure, success.

NCAA Brackets: Giving a reason to follow the tournament for those who don't know what state Villannova is in.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Spring into Spring

Ahhh... It's spring. The one time of year where it isn't -30 degrees Celsius or when I don't have to puzzle over what constellation the bug bites on my leg form. Spring, it means spring foreward, spring showers, spring cleaning, spring training, spring allergies; you know, that kind of fun stuff. I mean, what could be more fun than rain, (yay) hayfever ( AH-CHOO.. fabulous) cleaning out the house (woo-hoo) or losing an hour of sleep (zzzzzz...) Okay, fine. Maybe spring isn't perfect, but I can honestly say I love it. It doesn't matter that I have spring allergies or I have to set aside four hours of my day to clean out my room or... wow. I hate spring. Spring allergies make me feel miserable, the constant rain makes me miserable. But you have to admit, the fact that it is no longer -10 outside is pretty awesome too. So what if it isn't perfect? I know, everything.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Goodbye to Vancouver

After two and a half weeks of furious competition in grueling disciplines such as ice shuffleboard, High speed toboggoning, So you Think you Can Dance on ice and downhill ironing board races, we bid farewell to Vancouver 2010 Olympics. That was one week ago. So obviously, there less things to watch on TV now that the games are a thing of the past. One week, I find skiing, curling, snowboarding at four o'clock in the afternoon. Now, it's poker, junior hockey, and more poker. So obviously my choices are somewhat limited. I guess you can say it's back to normal. But it is still a bit of a disappointment knowing I won't be able to see two guys polishing an ice rink while being pursued by a 40 pound granite block until 2014. Then, it will be Sochi's turn to host such sports of great and high honor.

You've probably noticed that I'm not giving the winter sports the respect it deserves. But I can't help but poke a little fun at a sport where the athletes probably train in the summer by working part-time at a car wash. Okay, fine, I'll stop making fun of curling. Despite what you may think, it is actually a fun sport to watch. I can't believe I said that.

But after two weeks of non-stop Alexandre Bilodeau, "I Believe, "Own The Podium", awful french, and technical glitches, the 2010 Olympics will go down in history as either a moment of glory, or something parodied on SNL. Either way, Vancouver wins.