Thursday, July 23, 2009

Dream Theater-Black Clouds & Silver Linings

Okay, here's the situation here. I walk into a Future Shop, with little money in my wallet. I head straight toward the CD shelves, since that's where I always go. I see this album on the shelf for $12.99. Then, the $15 question hits me. To buy or not to buy, that is the question. I think for a few minutes, then next thing I know, I've given up $15 and walking out of the store with a new CD. This scenario shows perfectly my pitiful willpower. But after listening to this seventy-five minute long album. I thought to myself, best fifteen dollars I've ever spent. Out of the six songs on the album, four are longer than ten minutes. All the ten minute or longer tracks are incredibly diverse, going from a choir style intro to a heavy metal style to slowing down quite significantly shows how the songs cover more than one style and it makes it sound all the more interesting. But on the longest track, you have a four and a half overture style introduction to a minute of seagulls at the end.

Bottom line: Worth it. 4.5/5

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