Friday, May 2, 2008


As a grade 6 graduation trip, all the sixth graders went to Montreal. The bus ride took about five hours but for entertainment, you didn't have to look too far. There were movies, and you could bring your own stuff. When we rolled into Montreal, we headed for Pointe a Calliere, a museum based on Montreals history. There we took a guided tour of the place and managed to catch a movie based on what we learned. From there we drove to our hotel, a Holliday Inn. We spent about 30 minutes in our room before going out for dinner. We ate at the Hard Rock Cafe then departed to a meeting spot for our guided tour of old Montreal. We spent about two hours seeing the sights before we made it back to the hotel. The next day we got up at 6:30 AM (ugh) and headed down to the breakfast room. After a hearty meal, we headed out to Laval and went to a space camp. There you got to try out different simulators like there was one that simulated working in zero gravity. You also got to learn a bit about physics and the properties of the space shuttle. We then went to eat lunch at a mall close by and got a bit of shopping time. After that, it was off to Mount Royal to get a good look of the city. From there, we went out into a Montreal suburb to attend a circus school. There were different activities there like trapeze, trampoline, tightrope (not 50 feet in the air of course) and silk to climb on. What trip to Montreal is complete without smoked meat? Well, that is exactly what we had for dinner that day. After that it was off to Champion Lanes for some bowling. I did okay. From there it was off to the hotel for the night. Next morning they actually let us sleep in a little but I still had to drag myself out of bed for 7:15. From breakfast It was off to the Biodome. With five reconstructed habitats in it, from the tropical rainforest to Antarctica, it really was a sight to see (for me it was my second time there) From there, we loaded the bus and headed home. I returned with a necklace from the Hard Rock Cafe, a pen from space camp and a stuffed hedgehog from the Biodome. So there it is... my trip

1 comment:

BrookdaleBoys said...

Sounds like a fun trip to Quebec. The Space Camp would be my favourite.